Politic Drile
g'day mates!...welcome everyone to another chapter in compass of the north, this time I was traveling in the capital city of Australia, Canberra...(it is funny but lots of people think that Sydney is the Capital of Australia, including my self before to arrived here!)
Amazing architecture with more security than the building in Matrix movie!...but for Crazy Drile nothing is impossible....just look a few pics more....
In side to this building the parliement and Mr. Kevin Rudd take's all the political and economical decisions for Australia...I'm already inside into the brain of this great Country....

Yeah! that's me speaking in the private telephone with the first Minister Kevin Rudd ...(just kidding..but it's true, that this is the real, personal telephone in the Parliament!)

I know, I kwow.....take it easy...
...God bless the Queen! 

thanks a lot Mates for your patience....God Bless the Queen, and see you soon...
Parliament House is the meeting place of the Parliament of Australia, It's located in Canberra. It was opened on 9 may 1988 by Queen Elizabeth II. It's construction cost was over $ 1.1 billion. At the of construction it was the msot expensive building in the Southern Hemisphere. Prior to 1988, the Parliament of Australia met in the Provisional Parliament House, wich is now know as "Old Parliament House"
Sí Sí Sí
CRaZy DRiLe SeNaDoR!!!! :D
Si sí sí, apoyo a soy+pequeño.
Siempre muy buenos y atinados comentarios, soy+pequeño
saludos a España desde Chillán, Chile
wow so cool....
u r on your way to be someone special....
hahahhha gracias Soy+Pequeno!...no lo habia pensado, pero suena bien! hahhahaha
Crazy Drile
Saludos a Chillan...SI SI SI!
kob khun krub Subongkot...will see!
kiss back.
Crazy Drile
Hiii Crazyyy... I like you and your posts!Its a great man, a thinker of natureee...
[and the Parliament,wow! Chic!]
Obrigado Foquinha!
Greetings in Galapagos
Crazy Drile
Obrigado Foquinha!
Greetings in Galapagos
Crazy Drile
Crazy Drile First Minister! ;)
hahahhaha...will see Susanne!
greetings in Germany
Crazy Drile
Amazing pictures from the Parliament, Crazydrile.
Greetings to Prime Minister, hahahah.
AMAZING! Suruyevsky here again!
No worries Suruyevsky...I will tell him.....
Vote Crazy Drile....
ps:mmm...yes we can, vote por Crazy Drile....sounds good!
hey, hey, hey!
first time visiting your blog and I must say it's very interesting.
Greetings to you from Galicia
Welcome anytime Senorita Mexicana!
Im glad that you enjoyed my website...keep in touch
greetings back!
Crazy Drile
hey...I was triying to enter to your website LA MEXICANA, but I'll need password or something like that?????
YeS We CaN !
Dear Crazy Drile and Amy:
In this beautiful time of reflexion,love and peace I send you and all the people in your blog a
Happy Easter!!! from Chillán, Chile.
God bless all of you.
Check you gmail, please.
GRaZy DRiLe FeliZ PaSCua d ReSuRReCCióN Mi HeRMaNo SeBaS!!
Feliz Pascua de Resurreccion Soy+Pequeno!
saludos a Espana!!
Crazy Drile
Happy Easter too Gabriela, and happy Easter to everyone!
Muchas gracias a todos los que han escrito o visitado este blog...no me habia dado cuenta, pero van mas de 2700 visitas a mi sitio desde diciembre del 2008...increible!
se nos vienen las 3000 !!!
Prontamente estare viajando por Asia...Hong Kong (China) , Bangkok (Thailand), Macau (China), Vietnam, Indonesia.... espero capturar buenos momentos en mi camara.... espero poder hacerlos viajar una vez mas, esta vez por el continete Asiatico....
falta poco....
Thanks a lot to everyone for your visit in my website....thanks for your words and your feedback...
I didn't realise but I got 2700 visits in my web!!! Incredible!
3000 visits coming soon!
In my nexts chapters I will be traveling for Hong Kong (China) , Bangkok (Thailand), Macau (China), Vietnam, Indonesia.... I hope catch some good momments in my Canon...new chapters coming soon, but this time....Crazy Drile lost in Asia...
God bless the Rice!!!
Cu soon Mates!
sounds good mate!
good luck in your new journey...
greetings from New Zealand_________
Hola Crazy Drile:
Espero ver pronto en tu magnífico blog esas hermosas imágenes para poder admirar la belleza de la Creación que continúa en la labor del Hombre y viajar desde España a través de tus aventuras por el Asia.
¡Un fuerte abrazo desde España Senador Drile!
Hey Elinge! como estas? que bueno verte nuevamente por aca!!
No lo dudes, espero captar la escencia de mi vieje a traves de mis fotografias y hacerlos viajar conmigo en mi pagina....no lo se aun, pero tratare de estar en contacto directo desde Asia, asi me pueden enviar sus comentarios, preguntas o consejos para mi viaje...
Un fuerte abrazo de vuelta a Espana y gracias por lo de Senador!
Crazy Drile
thanks a lot Kiwi!..I'll bring my N.Z hooks with me for good Luck!
Hei Matau!!!
I think that the campaing will be move to Asia.-
hahhaha.... let me speak chinesse first!
Cya mate!
not coming to Malaysia?
I don't know yet...maybe
Greetings Miss or Mr Anonymous
Oi Drile
O que voce esta fazendo aqui em Sydney?
Tenha uma boa viajem, porque esta aula esta muito chata!!!
Samia ;)
thanks a lot Samia...
agree, everyone need take holidays and travel a bit more...make your life more interesting and then you'll work or study better
Greetings back
Crazy Drile
great trip! good luck, I'll be waiting for your next chapter ;)
ein kuss
Ein Kuss Back Susanne...thanks a lot for your wishes...
I hope I can catch some good momments...will see
Take Care, and greetings in Germany!
Crazy Drile
few time for Asia mates!...just few days...yiiiiiiiiihhhaaaaaaa!!!
Crazy drile:
Good luck in your new journey!!!!
We will wait for your pics.
God bless you and take care.
Greetings from Chillan Chile.
Yeap!...I will go to Malaysia as well...Kuala Lampur is waiting for me!
what kind of food is the most popular there?????????
If somebody here know about the attractions and places that I will need to go...just let me know!...
specially in Kuala Lampur...I don't have many information about
thanks mates!
God bless the rice...and the chopsticks as well!
Crazy Drile
You always surprise me, is a lovely man! I'm very very happy!!!
Good trip to Asia, Mr. Crazy Drile! ;)
1 FueRTe aBRaZo Mi aMiGo CRaZy DRiLe!!!!!
WooooW... ViViR eS 1 aVeNtuRa MaRaViLLoSa!
SoY MuY FeLiZ :D
obrigado Foquinha!!! thanks a lot!
si ahora eres feliz...espera el proximo capitulo!!! yiiiiiiiiihhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Hola sebas!!!
tanto tiempo!!
que bueas fotos!!! que maravilla como le sacan partido a todo.- En Chile se podrían hacer estas ferias que se ven tan entretenidas y completas y no solamente los rodeos de siempre.-
Te mando un abrazo grande y un beso a Amy.-
Caco 2009
Gracias por tu comentario Caco...super entrete las ferias, como de pelicula ochentera, algodon dulce, choclos con mantequilla, disparos para ganar peluches...increible!
Un abrazo de vuelta de los dos con la Amy y no se pierda
ps: saludos a la Tita Ines y a toda la primaton...
ps2: que es del Yoyo?
my country is Malaysia..
Location at Miri of Sarawak..
Miri is a nice city..
and many delicious food too..
Satay,Curry,Rojak,Laksa,and many more again..
u can try to visit this website to get more imformation about Miri of Sarawak,Malaysia..
Welcome ^^
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