Saturday 13 June 2009

Ruins of St Paul College

Hello people, welcome to the Ruins of St Paul, one of the faces of Macau.
I never saw something like that, and I never thought that a real mix of religion and cultures can be possible... In Macau it is. Take a look close (I tryed to take in my pics all the details and simbolisms as much as I can)...crazy simbols are together like Angles in front to the Dragons, Saints in front to skulls and devils... Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the LIVE HISTORY OF MACAU... enjoy!

The Ruins of St Paul now consists of the southern stone facade - intricately carved by Japanese monks - and the crypts of the Jesuits monks of the Church.
Excavation between 1990 to 1995 uncovered the foundations of the building.
Findings also include numerous religious artifacts as well as relics of Japanese Christian martyrs and some monastic clergy.
Relics of Father Alessandro Valignano, the founder of the Jesuit college in Macau were also discovered.

In this sculpture, you can apreciate one western young guy folling in love with one chinese woman...and the gift? one french rose

The first Jesuits arrived in Macau around 1563. As educators, they started a school which was soon upgraded to an University in 1594. This was the first western university in South East Asia. St Paul College was destroyed by a fire 1835.

Architecture: The Church of Mater Dei (Mother of God) was erected in 1602. This replaced previous wooden churches destroyed by fire.

See you soon... more amazing secrets of the history are coming in Compass of the North


Susanne said...

wow! never stops to surprise me!


gabriela said...

Crazy Drile:

Amazing country, and the most wonderful thing is that you capture the escense of things, the deep and the sense of what you are visiting. and you are be able to show it.

Kisses and congratulations!!!

Chica said...

Que maravilla!!!!! que lindas fotos, los dos se ven super bien y felices!!!!

Besos a los dos....

P.D Excelente foto "The Dogs" sisisisisiisisis

Cool Music!

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Increible este Pais, Chika..

Es una mezcla rarisima de culturas, comidas, arquitectura y casinos...

solo para que te hagas una idea se habla Portugues, Ingles y come Asado, pizza y Noodle...acompanado de Coca Cola, Caipirinha o Te verde...

Saludos a los dos con Tono en Santiago


★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Thanks Senora Gabriela....

always I try to catch some momments in my shots...sometimes happy with my result some times noup...but keep triying to keep working in that...

greetings back in Chillan, and thanks a lot for be one of the most inconditional fans as well

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Just keep on line Susanne...this is just the beginning

Take Care, and greetings in Germany

Crazy Drile