Thursday, 24 April 2008

Spaghetti Pics... with flavor findus

Right Oh! now I'm really proud because some crazy ragatza from Ravenna, Italy, and ex oi girl
( 4 me one of the best photographer ever...and DJ too), she sends to me this incredibles pics from Pontremoli, Serra San Quirico, Kilkenny, Connemara, Clifden, Sligo and Grotte Frasassi.... just enjoy this images and if you have one cold Guinness near (Hiraeth Style)...better
...grazie mille per tutte le immagini di questo bella strega... Oi! Oi! Oi!


Suruyevsky. said...

Good pics!.
The picture that shows the sun and clouds have got a "biblical" look, hahahah.
Forza Juventus! and cheers for that.

Crazy-Drile: te estai perdiendo un espectáculo también de dimensiones bíblicas: ver cómo Chile se va a la mierda, jajajaja. Como "turismo aventura" y sólo si el aburrimiento te logra vencer, pégate una pasada por algún diario chileno en internet... las huevadas que han pasado en el último mes son espeluznantes. Ya, chao y saludos a la antorcha olímpica.-

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Hey mate! what's going?...
Great pics try to visit the Hirae's page is amazing.

I know something about Chile because sometimes I was watched the tv news...shit! is a joke!...what happen???...Curas, Ministros chantas, Pelolais y Pokemones...shiuuuuuuuuu y las teleseries cada vez mas culturales!
tiki tiki ti!
Se ya mate! enjoy the next chapter

All the best!

Hiraeth said...

I can't believe you really did it! I'm stupified! Thank you for dedicate one of you chapters to me and my (not as good as your ones!) pics...
Hear you soon my friend, now I'm having a Heinken "a tu salud!"...
P.S. Even your playlist it's realli nice! :)

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

A tu Salud Ragatza!...of course you have your own chapter....your shots are incredibles but I think you have better I'm waiting 4 more.

Grosso baccio

ps...really you are BELLA RAGATZA!

Anonymous said...

Cool pics! all is Italy?

Anonymous said...



★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Noup...Some pics are from Ireland....(I'm all right??)