Esta página es un regalo a todos esos viajeros que no se conforman con sobrevivir, sino que buscan día a día la esencia de las cosas en cada país, su gente y su cultura; disfrutan de las cosas simples y comienzan sin pensarlo, brújula en mano, una nueva travesía. A new step ... a new challenge. Stay the Course.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Oak Park Chapter II..."the Olimpic Games"
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i wanna be there...there are norwegian people,too...<3
uhm...norwegian cap are not real..vikings didn't use horns...
Pero Italia no fue invitado a la fiesta?
ahahahah....I'm joking!
I miss you
hahahahahha no idea Svana you know more about it hahahhahha
Noup Antonella, I could´t see the Italian flag...wherever, my gran ma is Italian so something is better than nothing hahhahaha
You you should come next year and bring your flag...and a lot of pasta! oh yeah baby!!
Crazy Drile
Fratelli d'Italia,
l'Italia s'è desta,
dell'elmo di Scipio
s'è cinta la testa.
Dov'è la vittoria?
Le porga la chioma,
che schiava di Roma
Iddio la creò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò!
Noi fummo da secoli
calpesti, derisi,
perché non siam popoli,
perché siam divisi.
Raccolgaci un'unica
bandiera, una speme:
di fonderci insieme
già l'ora suonò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò!
Uniamoci, uniamoci,
l'unione e l'amore
rivelano ai popoli
le vie del Signore.
Giuriamo far libero
il suolo natio:
uniti, per Dio,
chi vincer ci può?
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò!
Dall'Alpi a Sicilia
Dovunque è Legnano,
Ogn'uom di Ferruccio
Ha il core, ha la mano,
I bimbi d'Italia
Si chiaman Balilla,
Il suon d'ogni squilla
I Vespri suonò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò!
Son giunchi che piegano
Le spade vendute:
Già l'Aquila d'Austria
Le penne ha perdute.
Il sangue d'Italia,
Il sangue Polacco,
Bevé, col cosacco,
Ma il cor le bruciò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò!
(National Italian Anthem)...better?
amazing shots!
I miss u hun
What emotion see our flag in the middle of the party!!!
Seba: sin palabras la emocion que siento verte en esas latitudes sosteniendo nuestra bandera. gulp traga!!!
Precioso. Cheers!!!
Thanks a Im packing everything to my next adventure...CONCURRY TOWN (Stockmans Challenge, next Chapter)
8 hours of travel are waiting for me.
Crazy Drile
maps and information about Cloncurry in:
wow Norwegians are in australia?
it is a very colorful chapter ... , but i can not see Thai's flag ..
where is it ...
Ok!.... maybe next year I will go to your party and I bring to you the dough .... indeed I cook pasta !..." spaghetti alla carbonara "... are good!
One of these days I will give you the recipe!
Then you're an Italian doc ... even know our national anthem!
Hey Shahana!
Noup, they are not Norwegian...everybody is from Australia, is just in honor to the Olimpic Games
Cheers, greetings in
Crazy Drile
Hey Shahana!
Noup, they are not Norwegian...everybody is from Australia, is just in honor to the Olimpic Games
Cheers, greetings in
Crazy Drile
I hope taste your pasta Antonella...oh yeah!
No,I couldn't find the Thai flag...You need to come the next year it's an AMAZING SHOW
Miss you Subongkot
Captain Sebastian
Cheers for that!!. We have a new flag-holder to Beijing 2008.
Some disciplines in whose Chile will be a champion:
1.- Jump with "garrafa";
2.- Throwing to pocket;
3.- 400 barbecues with obstacles;
4.- 100 flat "piscolas";
5.- 100m runaway from the "Pacos".
In this moment in Mandrilland: rainy, 12ºC (= 54ªF).
Greetings to everybody.-
Hi dear Seba: I am waiting for know all about your new travel.
I miss you my son. Cheers.
Te escribi en el gmail.
God bless you. Mom
Querido Sebas:Chile muy bien representado por ese elegante cowboy, una emoción muy grande verte a tí con nuestro Emblema en esas tierras lejanas. La estrella solitaria brilla orgullosa en el paño tricolor sostenido por tus manos. Felicitaciones.
Un abrazo de tu Padre.
Your'e a Hero Man
Hey Suruyewsky!
Nice to hear about Mandriland hahahhaha...seriously was an honor 4 me represent to Chile in this amazing and historical Race
If you have time, please write 4 me the last news in Mandriland
Cheers Mate!
Keep in touch
PS: Pack your stuff and just travel Mate...
People, in this moment Im Traveling across Australia (Tropic of Capricorn) My travel is:
1. Longreach
2. Emerald
3. Blackwater
4. Rockhampton
Rockhampton is our final destiny, is located in the middle of the tropic of Capricorn In front to the Ocean Pacific and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, some kilometers North to Bundaberg and Gladstone.
In this moment I'm writing faster in one Gas service, but in my next Chapter I hope show my Crazy trip in some Map, wherever, now wed 16 of July I can say I know what is The Wild Northern Territory and Queensland
God bless the Queen!
Carpe Diem
Miss you Subongkot...look the stars, make a wish
Is not the destiny, it's the Journey
Your Captain
Yours pictures are amazing!!!
Im in São Paulo city, working... working... afff... im a teacher...rsss
And you?? How are??
Saudade de você cowboy!
besos, kisses, beijos
Querido Seba:
que genial en una de las fotos de este capítulo, sale una frazada o mantel igual a uno que hice cuando recién me casé, hace varios añitos atrás, y que todavía lo tengo. Fue super impresionante verlo. Te lo prestaba a tí para tu depto. en concepción. Míralo a ver si lo reconoces. Que increíble !!!
Y que increíble tambien el "sense of humor" que tiene la gente de allá. Es precioso verlos tan posesionados de su papel de vikingos. Fabuloso.
En el google earth ubiqué donde andas metido. Es preciosa la zona, frente a los arrecifes de coral.
Te mando un gran abrazo y besos.
Te quiero mucho,
thank you captain ricardo , please make sure that you are happy during your journey ..
Have a lovely time in the outback ..
que tal!!!!
muy buenas fotos..... de cuando son esas fotos???
de las olimpiadas????
si es asi, me tren muy buenos recuerdos, cuando nuestra querida seleccion chilena sacó medalla de bronce en futbol.... que manera de madrugar por estos lados....
te escribo desde santiago de chile...
saludos compatriota!!!
Hey Compatriota y Tocallo, mi primer nombre es Ricardo
Bienvenido a Compass of the North, un pequeño regalo a todos los viajeros y aventureros del mundo y a los Chilenos que hacen Patria en el extranjero
Saludos por Santiago
Cheers Mate!
Crazy Drile
Hey Chica Brasilera Como anda?
gracias por tantos besos ya te extrañaba
Catcha later!
Yep Amy, just I can tell you that Queensland and the Northern Territory in Australia is a magical and mystical place, you can feel the energy to this red beatiful land
Good luck in your trip to Tasmania Subongkot, Buddha bless you
Your Captain
Thanks everyone for your comments and support
It's an honor to be a reporter and a Outback photographer for people of all countries in the world
Keep walking...keep working
Please stop one minit, turn on your speackers and enjoy this amazing video
PS: Thanyou Subongkot
Greetings from Italy....Rome! ;-)
Greetings to Roma Sara
Welcome anytime to Compass of the north...siete sempre i benvenuti
Como hay estado? Sorry por no haber comentado antes.
Que buenas fotos!
Un gran aproach a los próximos juegos olímpicos. Y que mejor si tu estai representado a Chile. jaja.
En qué pruebas competiste? Alguna medalla??
Grazie per il video che è semplicemente stupendo! Ma ora dimmi!....qual'è la cosa che più desideri al mondo? Quella che ti fa chiudere gli occhi e sognare?
Hey No worries Wow!
take it easy...I was traveling in Queensland and Northern Territory
I got thousands great shots...just Im working in my next chapter Mate
Greetings in Concepcion
Your welcome Antonella, is just true blue
We want a next chapter !!!
Greetings from Mandrilland.-
Hey Suruewsky I need one to know some news from Mandriland
Take Care Compadre
Send me Fruit
sebaaaaa que rico saber de ti, tu vida estos meses a sido de pelicula, me encanta mirar tus fotos me da las esperanzas de algun dia poder salirde este pais enano y solitario para tener una experiencia como la tuya....
igual ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que nos vimos y se te extraña bastante veo que sigues igual de mino que siempre jajajaja como el vino, bueno amigo otro dia te escribo denuevo ya tengo guardada la pagina besitooooos
hey Hun! how many Sarah´s you know
Greetings from Denmark
love your accent Cowboy ;)
Hey Maka, gracias por sus piropos vecina jajjaja...junte unas lukas no mas y a viajar...en una de esas las piscolas las tomamos aca en vez de en mi departamento
Un beso y saludos por concepcion
Keep in touch
Welcome to Compass of the North Korn...great name
Greetings in Denmark
Thanks Christine hahhahahha...
Im glad you´re checking my web, well done!
Greetings in your farm and come back 4 more
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