Firstly, i would like to take this chance to introduce myself ...
I am from BANGKOK ,THAILAND ......... I have been in Sydney almost 2 years ...and .....
..... .. This is my first trip out of Sydney .... EXCITING!!! ...........
Bienvenidos a Tasmania.. Isla de Inspiracion... la de la foto soy yo, Subongkot Kwunchaithunya... o mas facil...Amy
Estare contigo en este capitulo.... Colorful Tasmania.....
Primero, me gustaria tener la oportunidad de presentarme.... Soy de BANGKOK, THAILAND... he estado en Sydney casi 2 años...y ....
....... este es mi primer viaje fuera de Sydney....EMOCIONANTE!!!.....
Tasmania is Australia's only island state .. It is a heart-shaped island of lush green valleyTasmania es la unica Isla/Estado de Australia... Isla con forma de Corazon y exuberantes y verdes valles
Welcome to Hobart !! , a lovely city that rich in heritage and beautiful landscape ...
Bienvenidos a Hobart!!, una hermosa ciudad rica en tradicion e increibles paisajes...
Doooonde estooooooooooooooooooy ???!
Red is my inspriation for this trip ...
Rojo es mi inspiracion para este viaje...
3, 2, 1 Go! .................
Soup for the soul .............
Sopa para el alma..........
colorful chapter amy
Great trip Subongkot...100% sweet and colorful
Your Tasmanian Devil...
Dear Amy: nice pics, plenty of colour and nice experience and you look so pretty. Congratulations!!!
Iam very happy for showing us Tasmania. Thaks.
a kiss from Chillán, Chile
hello kiwi ..
thank you for visiting my chapter ..
Life is colourful ...
hello Gabriela
I am very happy that you love my chapter ... Sometimes, the picutre is better than word ..
It was a wonderful experience for me in Tasmania and Travelling is keeping me alive ...
By the way, i love your picture that you are doing meditation ... and i wish to join the meditation with you one day ...
Have a lovely day
hola.Mi señora estuvo en Australia y siempre me cuenta cabe dudas que te mueves y disfrutas del mundo.Un abrazo.chau
Hello Amy,nice pics!!! I hope meet you soon (supongo que esta bien escrito)congratulations for this treap? (viaje??) Sebastian-. traduce por fa, si al hablar parezco tarzan, escribiendo parezco la mona chita jajajajjajjaja.
Me queda una duda donde esta el demonio de Tazmania????
Un beso grande/ big kiss Amy!!!!!!
Hey Gerardo! Welcome here!
Australia es impresionante, no cabe duda que tu senora debe tener muchas fotos e historias por contar...nunca paras de conocer y asombrarte con distintos paisajes, comidas y gente de todo el mundo muy buena onda
Bienvenido cuando quieras y gracias por tu visita en mi pagina
Crazy Drile
Hello Chika
Thank you for a lovely and sweet comment .. I had a very great time in Tasmania .. Yes .., I am looking forward to seeing you too ... I am sure we will have a great time together ...
Hey, i have one secret to share with you .., i met one Tasman Devil here ..... he is from Chile ...Amazing .....
Big Kisss ...
¡Qué maravilloso lugar Tasmania! y el poder pasearnos por la isla a través de las magníficas imágenes de tu blog. ¡Caray! no sabía que ChupaChups llegara tan lejos.
Un fuerte abrazo desde España.
Congratulations 4your blogsite ;)
greetings from Ireland
Gracias Elinge! la verdad es que solo mi novia Amy conoce Tasmania, no he estado todavia en ese lugar...espero ir pronto y tomar algunas fotos al Demonio de Tasmania!
Saludos en la Madre Patria y Ole!
Crazy Drile
Gracias Elinge! la verdad es que solo mi novia Amy conoce Tasmania, no he estado todavia en ese lugar...espero ir pronto y tomar algunas fotos al Demonio de Tasmania!
Saludos en la Madre Patria y Ole!
Crazy Drile
Wooow Crazy Drile! yo no saldría vivo de la Cadbury, realmente es mi Natural Estate :D
y una ispiración muy wapa ;)
Cadbury! yummy!
greetings amy
nice chapter ;)
Hey Soy+Pequeno! Yep, es un sueno para los fanaticos del Chocolate y snacks! la guapa maja de la foto es mi Novia Amy 100% crazy like me
Un saludo a Espana
(Greetings in Spain)
Crazy Drile
hello soy+Pequeno
thank you for a nice comment .. Life is full of fun ...
One life , live it
Un Saludo a Espana
hello soy+Pequeno
thank you for a nice comment .. Life is full of fun ...
One life , live it
Un Saludo a Espana
Hello Sarah ..
Warmest greetings from Sydney
It was a very sweet experience ....
Have a lovely day
Hey Amy. Very nice chapter you showed us! Tasmania looks a very peaceful place to live. Sometimes too much.
Your pics are amazing and your comments 'teachy' (does that word exist???).
I hope you can someday come to Chile to visit our fantastic landscapes.
See you next chapter.
Aprovecho de contar (si es que ya no lo saben) de mi nueva página de GUAU!...
...personaje que también está de viaje por estos días, en Barcelona, como parte de una muestra de La Nueva Grafica Chilena. GUAU! Internacional!!!
Cuando llega, Mr. Drile???
hello dear Sebas!!!
too nice Amy pictures and nice experience and travel!!!!
espero que te traigas a Amy a Chile, para conocerla!!
te estamos esperando por estos lados, cuando viajas??
un abrazos y muchos kiss to Amy!!
se me olvida,
que tal el demonio?
mas abrazos
Ciao Amy!
Thank you for these beautiful pic...
Ciao Sebastian!
How are you?
After so finally I came to visit.
Hello to soon
Nice town, Nice fotos.
Congratulations 4your blogsite.
Greetings from Portugal
Saudações (saludos) de Portugal.
Hey Caco! Excelente sorpresa hahahhahha wena foto! Estoy trabajando en mis planes asi que todavia no quiero contar nada
Mi pasaje a Chile es el 20 de Noviembre con escala en Oackland, New Zealand...le estoy dando tus kiss a Amy...saludos de ella para ti tambien, ya conoce a toda la familia por los cuentos que le he traducido hahhahhahah ya conoce al tio rodrigo...tio raul...mis calu....tita ines....etc etc etc...
Un gran abrazo Caco y saludos a toda la familia... mantente en contacto
Los belmont in mi siguiente capitulo...
Ciao Antonella! you're alive!!!! yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
welcome again Italian girl...
I'm in Sydney living with my girlfriend after 4 months traveling in the Outback, Queensland and desert in Australia...I got a lot of stories an great shots in my camera, just Amazing!
Now Im enjoying fishing in the's amazing...lots of differents kind of fish, like Black Marlin (500 kg each), ocean snakes, Tuna...lots of them!...just in touch with the nature and the spirit of the Ocean, that's life! No Worries is my new name hahhahahahhaha
Where are you??? Italy??
I hope hear from you soon...okay?
Keep in touch, you know my e-mail
Un beso and greetings in Italy
Crazy Drile
Welcome to Compass of the North anytime Toze Franco
greetings in Portugal
Crazy Drile
ps: you're the first Person from Portugal here! great!
Cya man
Vamos a chekiar tu pagina con Amy Mr. Guau!
Saludos en Conce! y especialmente a su Familia
Take it easy Mate!
Congratulations 4 your new website!
Hi Amy!!!
Tasmania it's nice, i love chocolate!
Cabury's world too!
free chocolate and free tasting!!!
yummmy! :D
...and you are a very beautiful girl Amy, lucky CrazyDrile!!!
hello Elinge
thank you for a lovely comment ...
Tasmania is very beautiful .. it is an ideal place to live ..
Welcome to Australia ...
Hello Aishling
Greetings from Sydney ..
I am very happy that i you love my chapter ..
hello Is-ah
thank you for your lovely comment ..
It was a great trip for me .. It make me feel that i need to keep on travelling .. it keeps me alive ..
Btw, I would like to travel to chile too ...and i would like to try Chilian BBQ and wine ....
Have a lovely day
Hello Caco
warmest greetings from Sydney ..
I am happy that i you like my chapter ...
I would love to travel to Chile .. I am sure that it will be the most memorable expierence in my life ..
hello Antonella
Thank you for a visit for this chapter ... promise to show you more interesting picture in Australia ..
Keep in touch & Kiss ..
Hello Toze franco
Greetings from Sydney ..
How's life in Portugal
And thank you that you like my pictures
Hello Toze franco
Greetings from Sydney ..
How's life in Portugal
And thank you that you like my pictures
hello Soy+Pequeno
I love Chocolate too! ;)
Welcome to Tasmania!!! the land of the best Chocolate ever!!!... and snakes...and chupa chups..and chips...and hot chocolate...and pineapple cookies...and snickers...and candy...Ice Cream...and Milkshake...and...meat pie...and apple pie..and..and ...and....:)
Cheers in Spain Mate!
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