Saturday, 27 December 2008

Carpe diem

I can not believe that the time run so fast... One month ago I was arriving here, in Santiago de Chile after one year traveling in New Zealand and Australia... I got so many memories in my diary, in my my mind

Today my Compass is calling me again, Im going back to Australia, to meet my Girlfriend Subongkot and start one new Journey, maybe the most important in my book calling life....

But tonight, after this wonderful days in my Country, I want to say thanks to everyone here, to my friends, to my Father, to my Mother my Sister and Brother in Law, to my uncles, aunts and grandmas.... to my pets, to everyone.... thanks for your support, appreciation and affection, thanks for sharing a glass of wine tonight and ever, thanks to everyone for being my family and the most important thing for being my friends. Cheers! & good journey to all!

Gracias Totales!


Anonymous said...

I can not speack...I can not say nothing just BEAUTIFUL! and all the best in your new adventure Crazy Friend ;)


Anonymous said...

once again...BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

Dear Seba: This last chapter lets me a message of Love. Wonderful!!!
I send you all my possitive energy in these last time in Chile and in your new trip.
The best to you my son!!!

With all my love

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

the journey never ends ;)

thank you hun for being an inspiration for many people



Anonymous said...

This world needs more dreamers like you

Anonymous said...

Dear nephew, I wish you that God accompanies you in the new adventure, we love you a lot and you receives bless you.
We hope see you at soon at possible.
Gonzalo y Carmen Luz.

Anonymous said...

very beautiful chapter, it ´s a wonderful family its ´my lovely family!!!!

Big Kiss for every one!!!!


Suruyevsky. said...

It's impresive, It's exciting, It's a piece of the lives of the readers of this blog (---Supongo que quedó bien escrita esta frase, jajajaj---).
Say no more.
Greetings from Mandrilland to everybody.
God save the Queen.
God save the drink.-

Anonymous said...

Hello Sebas

it is a very lovely and happy chapter ...

Welcome to the new journey ...

Love from downunder


Gloria Baker said...

aaaah!!! querido Crazy drile que la ta son las despedidas verdad??? es mejor cuando uno llega, pero tú eres una excelente persona y dejas la huella de tucariño y entrega a donde vas siempre, tus fotos preciosas y tu familia también.}
Que Dios te bendiga en tus herm osos viajes y que tengas un bello encuentro con tu polola. cariños y felices fiestas!!!! xxxGloria

iggie said...

Yes, time fly by in an instant... sadly.

My best wishes for this new adventure. Surely its going to be a succesfull & amazing one, as always.

The Conce Chapter is pending...until next time.

Have a good arrival to Australia.

Cheers for you, your family & Amy.

See you!

PD: Ojalá hayai ido a ver a GUAU! al MNBA. Ah... y conseguiste la pelicula 'Australia'???

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Danke Susanne!It is amazing...incredible, but more incredible is that I made this chapter two days ago in my apartment in Santiago de Chile, and now after 20 hours flying across the Pacific Ocean I'm replying sitting near to the Opera House in a perfect place for this Music from Andrea Bocelli....
Thanks a lot again Susanne, thanks for your words and good wishes...
see you in my new chapters...


Crazy Drile
(from Down Under)

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

God bless you Mom....thank you for all your support in my days in Chile...was recharge batteries

Big Kiss for you from Kangaroolandia

Take Care

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Wow! thanks again Susanne!
yes, you're right...I'm a dreamer, and this is a very difficult time for dream, but if you want....YOU CAN


Crazy Drile

... please nobody wake me

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Dear Gonzalo y Carmen Luz...thanks a lot for your lovely good bye in Santiago...great wine, beautiful champagne and beer amazing food and snacks, but the best...your company and one celebration De la Puente's Style!

Thanks to everyone!

Crazy Drile & Amy

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

The same! Big Kiss for you Chika
greetings to you and Antonio is true, is a long trip...I'm sleeping...zzzZZZzzzz

take care Broka!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

(Muy bien escrita la frase Suruyevsky...le cache altiro pa onde iba la worries!)

Yeap, this blog day by day is some kind of movie, or adventure book...but this is real! sometimes, I can not believe that

I'm a lucky man!

Greetings back in Mandriland, and thanks a lot to your whole family for their hospitality and for inviting me to your farm...

greetings in Mandriland my Friend,
thanks totales!

Crazy Drile

ps: Lo estaremos esperando cuando quiera aca con Amy....Catcha!

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Muchas gracias Gloria...te conozco hace muy poco en my blog, pero siento como si fueras parte de la familia o algo.

Muchas gracias por tus hermosas palabras, un honor tenerte aca...voy a traducirle tus saludos a mi novia

Un gran abrazo,
siga creando sabores nuevos!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Uff! very deep comments this time!
Thanks Mister Guau! yep, I have a lot of new chapters and adventures in my trip, maybe... Macau, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Thailand! yiiiiihhhhaaaa!!!!!!

and then... we need make this chapter in Concepcion of course!

Greetings to your family and best wishes in your new projects

Crazy Drile

ps: nooooup! no alcance a ver la exposicion, con cuea alcance a hacer la maleta! hahhahhaha....y en cuanto a la pelicula Australia, me raje por que aun esta en los cines aca, asi que manana vamos con Amy a verla! yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Take it easy Guau!...buena vida hermano!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

better than a book!

XoX ;)


tal-caco said...

querido sobrino:
Que gusto verte en "cuerpo y alma"... pero el tiempo pasa y aquí estamos de nuevo frente al computador.- Lo importante es no perder el contacto.-
Que buena estuvo la junta del viernes!!! no hay nada mejor que esas juntas familiares!
Te mando un abrazo y buena suete en esta nueva etapa de tu vida!!
Saludos a Amy

Anonymous said...

Es verdad Caco, parece mentira que nuevamente estamos frente al computador, como si nada hubiera pasado, es loco el tiempo, pasa muy rápido y cambia todo, lo importante es que no cambie lo que en verdad importa lo esencial....

Un tremendo beso a mi familia,
THE BEST! (incluye a Amy)


Anonymous said...

Dear Seba:

A big kiss for you. I am writing in your blog again as if it nothing had happen... but the remembrance of your time in Chile remains. It was wonderful!!! A nice time with gotita and chorlela too. Thanks God you came.

Love for you and Amy.

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

of course is better than a is Compass of the North!

Take Care Samantha!
happy new year!!!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Ta Caco...gracias!....estuvo buenisima esa juntacion familiarsh... de pelos!

ahora estoy con Amy traduciendo tus saludos...aun estoy medio desorientado con los horarios aca pero acostumbrandome de nuevo...

manana iremos con Amy a ver los fuegos artificiales de New Year y Sydney completo esta revolucionado con la llegada de Paris Hilton a celebrar el 2009...

Un gran abrazo desde Kangaroolandia y pierda el contacto mate!

Lo mejor para el 2009!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

All the best for you too Sangunda!
hey tu Ingles es perfecto!!! gracias por enviarle el correo a Amy con los datos de mi vuelo, esta todo perfecto y se le agradece!

Estamos haciendo hora para ver la pelicula Australia....lo mejor antes de pasar el nuevo year aca

todos tienen razon, yo aun sigo perdido en el tiempo y en el espacio aca...anoche desperte 3 am mirando las paredes sin saber si estaba en el avion, en New Zealand, Turkia, Chile o Afganistan!, es tremendo cambio y larguito el pique....pero realmente lo vale

un tremendo abrazo Chika
take care Broka

Crazy Drile

ps: lo bueno fue el viajecillo en primera clase!!! yiiiihhhaaaaa!!!

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

thanks! was a lot of fun!....send one big hug to chotuitas and cholerras...sisisisiisisiisisi!

All the best this new year!!!

Crazy Drile

Anonymous said...

Wooow CRaZy DrILe eapisima familia!!!

marchas a ver los fuegos en puente d Sidney?

saludos desde España!

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Gracias!!! yeah!
Vamos en unos minutos mas a ver los fuegos artificiales frente al Opera House! Oh yeah!

Saludos por Espana Soy+Pequeno!!

Crazy Drile

Anonymous said...

Crazy Drile

Compassofthenorth is an inspiration.
It is an open door to the world!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello! I did it!
I just want to say it was great to see you here in Chile. Your experiences are amazing. Now I know how to write, we can be communicated! It is incredible how the distances disappear when you describe your experiences as well in your comments and photos and that's very nice. There are no borders when things are done with love!!!!
A big kiss!

(no te creas que escribí esto de corrido! adoro los traductores de Internet!!!!!!) Quiero mi canguro con temperatura! jajajajaja Besitos primo!