Monday, 12 January 2009

a different time...real explorers

Herbert Basedow — anthropologist, geologist, scientist, explorer and medical practitioner — was a remarkable Australian. He was renowned for the breadth of his work across central and northern Australia in the early decades of the twentieth century. His extensive knowledge of the country and his opinions were highly valued by scientists, politicians and businessmen of his era.
Part of his great legacy is the National Museum of Australia's collection of more than 2200 negatives created during his many expeditions in remote Australia. His photographs reveal his diverse interests and provide poignant reflections of expeditionary and frontier life — a window into a different time. Come with me to this amazing collection of one of the most famous explorers in Australia....the best thing... Basedow, hundred years ago, he made the same route and trip that "Crazy Drile" (Me) is something amazing, like a "deja vú", I can feel some kind of conection,(perhaps in one of my past life), with this incredible Journey into the REAL AUSTRALIA....take a look and tell me what do you think...

Expedition Compass of the North ...Aboriginal Reserve Of Doomadgee 2008... (link Doomadgee Chapter)
the journey never ends....keep exploring, follow your dream -Crazy Drile 2009-


★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Was an amazing experience visit the exposition in National Museum of Canberra. More information in this link:

ps: did you look at Domadgee chapter before?

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Coincidence or Deja vu?...
you decide

Ò_ó said...

Hombre!! Ya estaba yo tb mirando la CNN! Me alegro de que mi post te inspirara.
Dice una pegatina que nunca me acuerdo de pegar "Las autoridades sanitárias advierten: estudiar MATA". Cuanta razón en sólo 6 palabras.

Queda poco por descubrir en la Tierra me temo, no es buena época para ser explorador. Un beso!!

Anonymous said...

Wooow CraZy DRiLe q tierra tan apasionante!
debió ser emocionante seguir esas huellas casi 100 años después!! :D

Anonymous said...

Seba: I really dont knwow what can I say...but it is impressionant...there many things with any explanetions...but there is too much coincidences... too much...
Great!!! You can think what you want...but... it is too similar...

Fabulous, incredible WHY??? it depends on you....



★ Crazy Drile™ said...

hahahhahahhaha! burno verte por aca senorita Ò_ó
...yep habia estado (y sigo con muchos proyectos) bastante cupado y sin tiempo para mi pagina web....ahora de vuelta!
yep, es cierto, dale con el estudio pero no centres 100% de tu tiempo en ello....creeme, a veces aprendes mas en los viajes y vida misma que en los libros

Un beso de vuelta y felicitaciones por tu ultimo capitulo!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

pd: queda mucho por descubrir en la Tierra....y si tienes razon, exploradores quedan pocos en estos tiempos...pero de lo poco, bueno!

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

thanks a lot Franco....and welcome anytime to compass of the north....

I saw your pictures as well....great job!

Greetings in Italy

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Aloha soy+pequeno una tierra apasionante, sobretodo el desierto de Australia y los aborigenes, que es la parte que ningun (o muy pocos) turistas visitan.

Ellos son los verdaeros amos y senores de esta tierra austral

aun queda mucho por descubrir....keep walking

Crazy drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

It is words
you can call it coincidence o wherever...

I call it destiny and law of the attraction

Kiss back to chillan

Crazy drile

Anonymous said...

WOW! awesome Crazy Drile...seems like the same trip in another time
and look the same style like your photos!

Anonymous said...

you're right you should take a look in domadgee after this chapter. INCREDIBLE

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Yeap! amazing mate! I can not believe that I made the same trip!
when I was looking these photos in Canberra Museum I was just thinking that maybe some of this aboriginal people could be the granfather or granmother to some people in my shots in Doomadgee!
really awesome mate!

take it easy,
greetings in New Zealand!

★ Crazy Drile

Anonymous said...

Hello Crazy drile ..

This land is calling you to explore the secret and spirit of this country , the land of downunder ...

Enjoy the journey ...


Gloria Baker said...

Me ha encantado Crazy como siempre, sí tú me haces viajar y soñar, me ha encantado tú muisca que pones.
Oye también puse música en mi blog por siquieres verla puse mi playlist!!! Te mando un abrazo, aquí sigue haciendo calor por supuesto, cariños, Gloria


Holaa Crazy por fin aterrizo en tu blog, debo de decirte que me ha dejado maravillada, que lugares tan bonitos y que imagenes nos muestra, un lujo poder leerte.

Nos seguimos viendo.


Marian Fortunati said...

My husband immigrated to Australia from Italy and lived there 10 years until he was 18. He's still got a cousin and uncle there in Sydney.
He went back to Italy then I met him and I dragged him here to Southern California in USA. One day we'll go back to visit as Australia was where he really grew up.. even though he claims to be Italian, he's also part Aussie.
I'm going to give him the link... He'll enjoy the photos.

Don't know how you found my website, but I'm glad you did!! Be well!

Anonymous said...

Buenas fotos, parece un capitulo de la National!



★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Como estas Gloria....esa es la idea de mi espacio en la web, atraer gente como tu y hacerlos viajar conmigo desde la comodidad de sus casas....y de alguna u otra forma inspirar a gente a seguir descubriendo este maravilloso mundo te explico el calor y humedad que hace aca...

Un gran abrazo a Chile
y a todos los lectores de

Take care

★ Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

El lujo es mio...un honor tenerte aca Senorita trotamundos...bienvenida cuando quieras a Compass of the North

besos de vuelta y estamos en contacto

★ Crazy Drile

pd: lee el encabezado de mi blog...esta dedicado a los trotamundos como tu....

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Welcome to Compass of the North Marian....WOW! good on ya mate! amazing history!....I don't know as well...maybe was the law of the attraction...coincedence...don't know, but Im glad that you and your husband are enjoying my website.....

welcome go for one toast with Vegemite, one Cascade Lager and enjoy this chapter....

Take a look in 2008 will love it....Queensland, Northern Territory, Goulf of Carpentaria, Andes Mountains, Chile and much, much More! Enjoy!

greetings in USA from Downunder

★ Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

ps: great Pop picture! amazing Warhool!

★ Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Hey Chika! bueno saber de le agradece el comentario y pase mas seguido por aca...

Saludos a Kupfer y Don Willie Nelson

★ Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

thanks Amy...this is an amazing and magical land....lots of treasures are waiting for everyone here

keep exploring...follow your star.

your Captain

★ Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Good Spanish Marian!

Anonymous said...

Best Blog Ever! incredibles histories and experiences mate!
you should write your own book would be a success


Anonymous said...

is an inspiration for everyone.

Good music as usual

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

I will some day... no worries!
greetings in New Zealand

★ Crazy Drile

Anonymous said...

I can feel the spirit in every photography. well done ;)


Qhris said...

nice & done! unique blog u have :)

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

this is for me one good photo...sometimes the image is more powerful than the words

Greetings in Germany

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Welcome to Compass of the North, Qhris
Is really good have different points of wiew of people from around the world

keep in touch and greetings in
Borneo, Malasia

Crazy Drile

Ò_ó said...

Jajajajajaja, ya seran menos!! Tranquilo que no se me subirá la fama a la cabeza... escribiría en inglés, pero me temo que no me atrevo, aunq lo entienda perfectamente no es un idioma que use mucho y menos escrito.


Bambangan @ Ony said...

oh wow what a nice blog, and also the pic. This is the first blog that i saw will tell you more info just like the holy smoke.... great info mate.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crazy Drile

Wishing you all the best wishes ... All dreams come true ...

Full of love, fun , laughs , happiness, good health , wealth and good luck

Big kissssss


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Crazy Drile

Wishing you all the best wishes ... All dreams come true ...

Full of love, fun , laughs , happiness, good health , wealth and good luck

Big kissssss


Anonymous said...

Dear Seba

Happy Birthday to you...lalalalala

God Bless you!!! I wish you all the best for your life. Have a great day full of happiness and nice things.

All my love and energy for you. Good luck, and I hope meet you soon as possible.

I´ll drink a glass of Chilean Wine for you.

kisses and a lot of love for you

your mother

Franchesca said...

¡Hola Seba! parece que hay que cantarte "Cumpleaños FELIZ...."un muy feliz dia con tu novia y todas las personas que te rodean.Es muy interesante todo lo que pones sobre Australia.Casualidad o no, yo estoy estudiando las flores de Australia ,desde Octubre.Asi que si ves alguna (aborigen flower)le haces una foto y la cuelgas.Son super potentes las esencias de Australiay muy interesantes, aunque lo mejor es lo que tu haces¡verlas in" situ".Si no has leido el libro "Las voces del desierto"(australiano) de Marlo Morgan,te lo recomienso.De momento ¡disfruta de tu tiempo.Un abrazo.Franchesca ,

Meri Pas Blanquer (Carmen Pascual) said...

Belleza...impacto...ternura...talento a raudales amigo, que placer viajar con tu mirada del mundo tan particular y bella!!!

Anonymous said...

Donde estas? desaparecido cumpleañeros?

Un beso grande desde Chile!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seba revisa tu gmail.

un beso

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Dale Alba, pero creo que deberias tratar...

un beso para ti tambien, saludos en Espana

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Thanks Bambangan and Welcome to Compass of the North!
... Im glad that you enjoyed the pics and info as well


Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Thanks Subongkot!....thanks a lot for your good wishes....

Big kiss 4u

Your Captain

ps: a new journey is waiting 4 us

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Thanks Mama, I celebrate my birthday with Chilean Wine as well!

thaks a lot!

big hug 4u

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Muchas gracias Francesca!... aunque no lo creas no eres la primera persona que me dice que lea ese libro....lo voy a buscar aca.... tu sabes si existe la version en Ingles????

Saludos en Espana y si encuentro flores en el desierto o oceano, las subire

Take care!!!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Que profundo tu comentario Carmen...bienvenida cuando quieras a este viaje interactivo...bienvenida a Compass of the North

mantente en contacto

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

Gracias Chika Loca!..... desaparecido a mango, corriendo a 100 km/hr.... gracias por los saludos de cumple!!

Cuidese Pionka!
saludos a Kupfer y Don Ricar!

Crazy Drile

★ Crazy Drile™ said...

I will!