the lost elephant city...Ayutthaya
10 of may 2009, I'm drivig from Bangkok to Ayutthaya, one of the most interesting old city in the history of Thailand....After two hours driving, I'll be arriving in this mistic, holy and magic place...
Ancients Temples remember to us, the golden days in Thailand. Here, the Elephants are considered Holy Animals and guardians of the Kingdom of the city and Thailand....ladies and gents, welcome to the lost civilization of Ayutthaya...

The ancient city of Ayutthaya, or Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, The Thai capital for 417 years, is one of Thailand’s major tourist attractions. Many ancient ruins and art works can be seen in a city that was founded in 1350 by King U - Thong when the Thais were forced southwards by northern neighbours. During the period of Ayutthaya being the Thai capital, 33 kings of different dynasties ruled the kingdom until it was sacked by the Burmese in 1767.
Dear Seba and Amy:
It is impressionant to see you in this ancient and holy city. Wonderful pics!!!!
I am visiting Thai with you, and now in an elephant. Incredible!!!
Very beautiful the elephants made in jade and stone. I can "touch" the energy in these wonderful piece of ski.
Kisses from Chillán, Chile. Good Luck!!!!
Pucha, que tiempo que no pasaba por tu blog... hay demasiados capítulos nuevos! Y qué capítulos!
Espectaculares las fotos y los lugares. Impresionante. Estay aprovechando bien las vacaciones por lo que veo. Dónde más vay???
Más rato me pongo a leer los detalles.
Saludos por donde sea que estés, a ti y Amy.
Gracias Don Natre!... harto tiempo que no se le veia por aca pues!... estoy recorriendo Thailandia para luego irnos a Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapur, Macau y China... este viaje si que ha sido increible...
he recorrido mil templos chinos, thailandeses, hablado con monjes, visto obras de teatro, comido cuanto guarisapo he encontrado, visto serpientes, thai boxing, montado y jugado con tiene nombre! como si estuviera sonando...
en las mananas despierto mas desenchufado que la cresta, tratando de pensar DONDE ESTOY AHORA! y que idioma estan hablando!!
realmente una experiencia que no se me va a olvidar jamas....
ahora ando manejando una moto honda 125 cc por Bangkok, otra experiencia unika! te tienes que tomar un nerviol antes de manejar...
Muchisimas gracias por sus saludos, se los voy a dar a la Amy y saludos de vuelta por Concepcion y a toda su familia....vamos a chequear en que pasos anda Guau! ahora
Cuidese y mande fruta
Crazy Drile
ps: hey, hey! nos tenemos qu sentir muy orgullosos como Chilenos...en cada restaurant pirulo que he vivitado el unico vino que se ofrece es el vino Chileno ...Mont Grass, Caillero, Alma Viva Concha y Toro...luego como segunda opcion vinos Italianos y Franceses...mire eh!
it is an amazing place Ayutthaya... you can feel something special, like a power in the air...
at the same time it is like a travel to the the old thailand with traditions untouch for the time...
the holy elephants they are made in jade, but the white ones "Marfil", from bones and elephants teeths...they take some pieces when they cut the sharp parts for security... the elephants can be very patien and freindly animals and very agressive in any momment....
greetings back to Chile and keep traveling with us
Crazy Drile
woderful pictures! I can not believe this places are real
you look like Indiana Jones in this trip! HANDSOME! ;)
I'm Thai hehe ~
and feel so good to know you like our country :)
have a nice day in Thailand !
caipirinha always, specifically made for you, ahahaha... and trying to import the style Drile's Club, this Origami inspired design for Crane Sake... or already famous Australian MadFish wine brand, ahahaha!!!
Wondeful pics!!! Not a complex text that you don’t have time to read!!!
"Girls ought to love it!!! ;)
o... as a cheaper version, the peppermint schnapps ;)
Amazing temple!!!
With those huge guardians, the temple is completely saved from any kind of attack.
I want an elephant for home!, hahahahah.
Grettings from Mandrilland.-
a ver.. esperate... me perdi... en que momento renunciaste a 180°?.. jajaja... es k hacia tiempo k no visitaba por aka y me encuentro con que don Sebastian anda como un tal Brad Pitt en "7 años en el Tibet"... jajaja... Wenas fotos, creo k llego a oler los elefantes desde aca.. jajaja... saludos don Seba y mande frutas de vez en cuando.. o inciensos en este caso.. jajaja
¡Hola Seba, Amy ! maravillosa Tailandia , sobre todo esa ciudad alejada de lo turístico(eso parece) . Preciosas las fotos en las que estáis encima del elefante , frente al lago y con el templo detrás. Pues sí , me dais sana envidia `por el estupendo viaje que hacéis. Un saludo desde España y un abrazo.Franchesca
jajajjajaj...como esta Don Yayo, un gusto verlo por aca nuevamente... asi es no mas, no paramos mas de viajar!
ahora sigo descubrinedo Thailand, en Moto! esta si es una experiencia para no olvidar...despues de este viaje te conviertes en comando wn!
cuanto bicho he comido y frutas que nunca pense fueran reales...
vamo a ver si le mandamos un incienso...mandame tu direccion de concepcion a
saludos en su famila
Crazy Drile
buenisimo tenerte por aca Franchesca, hemos recorridos lugares impresionantes en un tour que como tu bien dices, es bastante alejado de un normal tour o ruta turistica....en mi caso siempre opto por el turismo local, las comidas de la calle en contraste con los elegantes y excentricos restaurantes y las conversaciones e intercambio de culturas con la gente local
la gente de Thailandia es realmete muy amable con la gente de afuera, especialmente si tratas de halar su lenguaje (thai)...
pronto mas capitulos y mas flores exoticas para ti
Un abrazo desde Asia
Crazy Drile
Mr Suruyevsky, first Im glad to tell you that this morning I sent one envelop with your name and one little souvenir from this wild and crazy lands...just wait one week and enjoy
Ayutthaya was invaded before for Burma, they stold a lot of pieces and holy estatues from the temple, and after that people here believe that Buddha and the guardian came in dreams and nightmares in the mind of the burmese ...amazing!
Im reading two books at the same time in the night, and 7 am we wake up to start a new journey...Crazy Drile never stops! hahahhahahha
enjoy my nexts chapter and your souvenir as well
Crazy Drile
Sawasdee krab FAI nice to see you here and welcome anytime!
Im really happy to read your comment here, you are the second thai in wrote in compass of the North....
First, I love your country, your food, the smiling face of the thai people....this is a paradise in earth ....
Just finishing my lunch in bangkok...spicy glass noddles, green curry with chiken and coconut sauce, fish balls and fresh green coconut juice...Yummy!!! amazing food!!!!!
Keep in touch and if you want give me some advices about nice places here
Kob kun krab!
Crazy Drile
hahhahha thanks Susanne, keep traveling with me, more chapters very soon
greetings in Germany
Crazy Drile
ps: take note everyone here....Fresh coconut water....INCREDIBLE!
Hey Foquinha...obrigado...I'm not very good making kaipirinha, but I can make ome nice Aussie drinks for will love it!
Very good your comment about my blog...that's my idea, make people travel with me, give some tips and information but not something boring that nobody want to read...
I'm triying to give inspiration for people how want to travel and live the culture in another countries... advices from a normal traveller like everyone, not like some tv shows, fantastic, expensives places and very touristic way....
keep discovering Asia with Crazy Drile....
Crazy Drile
¡Hola de nuevo! mensaje para AMY.Si entras a mi blog , en la entrada "CRAB APPLE" .EN EL LINK:"lOS 12 CURADORES y otros remedios" del libro de Edward Bach, las explicaciones están en español e inglés.Un beso.Franchesca
No words mate...FANTASTIC!
Hello Ricardo and Amy
How about your trip in SG , MY , and HK ?
Please share your feeling .
See both of you soon .
Phung :)
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